In Divinity: Original Sin 2 esistono varie combinazioni di ingredienti da realizzare per creare le armi per il nostro party. Come accaduto per la guida alle pozioni, anche questa lista di oggetti potrebbe subire degli aggiornamenti che inseriremo volto per volta.

Armi con 2 ingredienti

Arma Effetto/Tipo arma Ingrediente 1 Ingrediente 2
Shiv Dagger Cloth Scraps Sharp Piece of Metal
Shiv Dagger Handkerchief Sharp Piece of Metal
Shiv Dagger Leather Scraps Sharp Piece of Metal
Big Tongs Roped Together Two-Handed Mace Leather Scraps Tongs
Big Tongs Roped Together Two-Handed Mace Cloth Scraps Tongs
Bowstring Bowstring Sinew Sinew
Twig With A String Bow Short Stick Bowstring
Long Branch Long Branch Log Any Cutting Tool
Toy Crossbow Crossbow Long Branch Short Stick
Improvised Staff Air/Earth/Water or Fire (type depends on the shell you used) Long Branch Shell
Sharp Stone On A Big Branch Two-Handed Axe Long Branch Sharp Rock
Short Stick Short Stick Any Cutting Tool Long Branch
Sharp Stone On A Stick One-Handed Axe Short Stick Sharp Rock
Crossbow Crossbow Crossbow Without Bowstring Bowstring
Makeshift Club  Two-Handed Mace Long Branch Cloth Scraps
Makeshift Club  Two-Handed Mace Long Branch Leather Scraps
Primitive Harpoon Spear Long Branch Arrowhead
Primitive Harpoon Spear Long Branch Sharp Piece of Metal
Makeshift Wand Wand Short Stick Skull (bird?)
Improv Wand Wand Short Stick Ancient Human Skull
Improv Wand Wand Short Stick Skull (human?)


Armi con 3 ingredienti

Arma Tipo/effetto Ingrediente 1 Ingrediente 2 Ingrediente 3
Knife on a Stick One-Handed Sword Short Stick Dagger/Knife Rope


Armi con 4 ingredienti

Arma Tipo/effetto Ingrediente 1 Ingrediente 2 Ingrediente 3 Ingrediente 4
Makeshift Club Two-Handed Mace Long Branch Sharp Rock Sharp Rock Shark Rock